

This filter is used to search or extract URLs from a Message.
Currently supported types of URLs are:

  • http/s
  • ftp


targetSTRING“main”the field of the Message that should be used for the filter (it could be main or an extra field)
httpBOOL“true”if “false”, http scheme urls are ignored
httpsBOOL“true”if “false”, https scheme urls are ignored
ftpBOOL“true”if “false”, ftp scheme urls are ignored
extractBOOL“true”if “true”, the main field of the propagated Message will contain the found URL
... | url(extract="true") | ...


If the extract parameter is “false”, the received Message will be propagated only if at least one URL is found in it.
Otherwise, if extract is “true” and the Message contains one or more URLs, the main field of the propagated Message will contain only the extracted URLs.

If the extract parameter is “true” and the message is propagated, a new extra field is created: fulltext will contain the original target string.

If the targeted field contains multiple URLs, the filter will create and propagate multiple messages, one for each URL.


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