

This feeder creates a stream from tweets. It is possible to define the keywords, or the users to follow.
Based on go-twitter


bearerTokenSTRINGemptyTwitter Auth
keywordsSTRINGemptycomma separated keywords that should match on the tweets
usersSTRINGemptycomma separated users list
rulesSTRINGemptyset multiple custom rules separated by the char
languagesSTRINGemptyfilter by language (comma separated languages)
disable_retweetBOOL“false”don’t include retweets in the stream
disable_quotedBOOL“false”don’t include quoted tweets in the stream
... | <twitter: users="goofy, mickeymouse",keywords="movie, cartoon", rules="rule1:movie OR cartoon|rule2:mickey mouse OR pluto"> | ...



The main field of the Message will contain:

  • the text of the tweet if it is a normal tweet;
  • the text of the retweeted message if it is a retweet;
  • the text of the quote if it is a quote tweet;


linklink to the tweet
languagelanguage used for the tweet
usernameauthor of the tweet
author_idID of the author of the tweet
quoted“true” if the tweet is a quoted tweet, “false” otherwise
retweet“true” if the tweet is a retweeted tweet, “false” otherwise
response“true” if the tweet is a response for another tweet, “false” otherwise
reply_for_userit contains the userID if the tweet is a reply for a user
original_linklink of the original tweet if it is a retweet or quoted tweet
original_usernameusername of the tweet linked to the current one
original_namename of the author of the tweet linked to the current one
original_texttext of the tweet linked to the current one
original_useridID of the original author of the tweet if it is a retweet or a quote
matched_ruleslist of the matched rules (tags) comma separated
In some cases the extra field could be empty.
